Traditional Affogato Recipe with Espresso


  • 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream or gelato (traditionally, Italian vanilla or Fior di Latte gelato)
  • 1 shot of hot espresso (or 2 shots for a stronger flavor)

Optional Garnishes:

  • Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder
  • Biscotti or cookies
  • A shot of coffee liqueur (such as Kahlúa or Amaretto)
  • Crushed nuts (e.g., almonds or hazelnuts)
  • Whipped cream (optional)


  • Espresso machine, AeroPress, or moka pot
  • Small serving cup or bowl (traditionally a glass cup is used)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Chill Your Serving Cup:

  • For the best experience, chill the glass or cup you’ll be serving the affogato in. This ensures that the ice cream stays cold and doesn’t melt too quickly when you add the hot espresso.

2. Scoop the Ice Cream or Gelato:

  • Place 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream or gelato into your chilled cup. You can also experiment with other flavors like hazelnut, chocolate, or coffee-flavored gelato for a twist on the classic.

3. Brew the Espresso:

  • Brew 1 shot of hot espresso (or 2 shots for a more intense flavor) using your espresso machine, AeroPress, or moka pot. The espresso should be hot and fresh, so it melts the ice cream just enough to create a creamy, rich texture.
  • If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can brew a very strong coffee concentrate using a moka pot.

4. Pour the Espresso Over the Ice Cream:

  • Immediately after brewing, pour the hot espresso directly over the ice cream or gelato. The heat of the espresso will cause the ice cream to melt slightly, creating a delightful contrast of hot and cold.

5. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Serve the affogato immediately before the ice cream melts completely. You can enjoy it as is or stir the ice cream and espresso together to create a creamy, coffee-flavored dessert.

Optional Garnishes:

  • Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder: Sprinkle a bit on top for added richness.
  • Biscotti or cookies: Serve alongside the affogato for a crunchy contrast.
  • Coffee liqueur: For an adult twist, add a shot of coffee liqueur like Kahlúa or Amaretto over the ice cream before pouring the espresso.
  • Crushed nuts: Sprinkle toasted almonds or hazelnuts for added texture and flavor.
  • Whipped cream: Top with whipped cream for an indulgent variation.

History of the Affogato:

The Affogato, meaning “drowned” in Italian, is a simple yet elegant Italian dessert that combines two of Italy’s most beloved indulgences: gelato and espresso. The term "affogato" refers to the way the espresso is poured over the ice cream, "drowning" it in hot coffee. The contrast between the hot, bitter espresso and the cold, creamy sweetness of the gelato creates a perfect balance of flavors and textures.

Origin of the Affogato:

While it’s hard to pinpoint the exact date when the affogato first appeared, it is a quintessentially Italian dessert that gained popularity in Italy during the 20th century, particularly in coffee bars and gelaterias. The dessert captures the essence of Italian cuisine: simple ingredients, prepared with precision, and focused on balancing flavors.

Originally, affogato was a purely Italian treat, typically served as an after-dinner dessert or coffee course (especially during the summer months). It’s most commonly made with Fior di Latte gelato, a simple Italian gelato made with milk, sugar, and no eggs, which allows the flavor of the espresso to shine.

Spread Around the World:

As Italy’s culinary influence spread worldwide, so did the affogato. In modern times, you’ll find affogato variations in cafés and restaurants across the globe, from upscale Italian restaurants to specialty coffee shops. The dessert has been reimagined with different flavors of ice cream, liqueurs, and garnishes, but its essence remains the same: the perfect marriage of hot espresso and cold ice cream.

Modern Variations: Some versions of the affogato include additional ingredients like chocolate syrup, caramel, or even alcohol to elevate the dessert further. The affogato has evolved into both a dessert and a coffee treat, making it a versatile option for various occasions.